As for each new Ultima quest, maps of Britannia have changed since Ultima V. You poor adventurer will have to find your marks once again in this new world. Nowadays towns are openside you won't need to 'enter' those anymore you're in before you understand it.
But don't worry too much ... you'll get used to it.

Dungeons are no more a succession of corridors and rooms but open mazes where you move like on the surface. Dungeons are now less deep and only go up to 4 levels but you may exit those in different places.

You'll find below all the maps of Britannia, of the Gargoyles City, of the dungeons. Unlike for U5 maps, I didn't rebuild those but did some gathering on the web (see the U6 Journey Outward links page).
Sometime, maps are cut out from global picture, reorganised, annotated and sorted.

A special thanx to XXX (1) from where I took the raw dungeons maps which I didn't want to recapture like I did on Amiga a long time ago ;-)
(1) still on work: I've got to find back is url ;-)

Britannia original or light annotation or fully GIF (200Kb each)
Gargoyles World original or annotated GIF (50Kb each)
Dungeons by dungeon and levels (frame) zip format (400Kb)
Raw Dungeons level 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 GIF (15Kb each)